All-on-4 Dental Implants
In our clinic, a perfect smile based on Digital Smile Design is imperative. To create an ideal smile, it is necessary to follow world trends in dentistry and technology and to educate ourselves continually. That is why our architects of a smile can create a perfect smile even in cases such as complete toothlessness or loss of the considerable number of teeth. Teeth loss that is caused by inadequate treatment, trauma or the natural process of aging, damages the quality of life and that is why teeth must be restored. In cases where a large number of teeth, or all teeth, are lost, a new smile can be achieved with an All-on-4 method. Contact us and make sure that you are a candidate for All-on-4.
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What are
All-on-4 Dental Implants?
We do not recommend All-on-4 when patients have uncontrolled diabetes, advanced osteoporosis and with patients who have been exposed to radiation therapy in the area of head and neck in the last six months.
All-on-4 is a concept where an utterly toothless jaw is equipped with four implants that hold a fixed bridge. That allows patients who have the total prosthesis and who are toothless to have fixed implant prosthesis instead of a removable prosthesis which have to be taken out and put back in daily.
Dental implants are a long-term solution for missing tooth or teeth, and if a patient takes care of his oral hygiene and comes to regular check-ups at a dentist, we give a life-long guarantee.
All-on-4 Allows:
- Solving toothlessness in a short period.
- Reducing the number of patient's visits as well as the complete duration of treatment.
- Soreness-free therapy and recovery.
- High-quality results.
All-on-4 Benefits:
- A short time of recovery
- Bone and sinus lift upgrade is excluded
- The natural look of a face
- Minimal recovery time
- Long-term solution
- Hygiene
The "Smile in a Day"
No, after detailed first dental examination and diagnostic procedures, the patient is given a detailed plan of therapy using the All-on-4 method.
In just one day patient we install four dental implants, extension, and temporary teeth. After a few months when dental implants have grown together with a bone, a permanent bridge is developed for a patient.
The all-on-4 method enables patients who have aesthetic and functional problems due to complete toothlessness, to have a perfect smile in only one day.
This smile is not only aesthetically perfect, but it also gives patients a chance to function normally, and it increases the quality of their lives. They can once again eat normally, laugh, socialize, function in the business environment and have high self-esteem.
The all-on-4 method will solve functional and aesthetic problems, that toothless patient has, in only one day.

Case Studies

I almost didn’t have any teeth left. These ones are all white, original and I can again eat, drink anything. I don’t know what to say but they are just so perfect, so beautiful.Everybody was so nice and helped me out a lot. I would never have believed that I could get teeth like these. It’s been the best thing in my life… my ticket to Croatia!

All of the experience was amazing. Nice people and great work! I will remember this forever and I will be happy with my new teeth for the rest of my life!
The AllOn4 Dental Implants
Procedure Explained
The amount of time for dental implants to coalesce into a bone varies from case to case, but in most cases, it takes from three to six months. While dental implants are coalescing into a bone, a patient can function normally (eat, laugh)
Before installing All-on-4, a patient goes through a detailed dental examination that consists of the check-up, consultations with dentists and a variety of diagnostic procedures.
After a detailed examination, we confirm if a patient is a candidate for the All-on-4 method. When it is confirmed that a patient is an ideal candidate, he will be given a new smile in only one day.
In just one day we install four dental implants, reconstruction, and temporary teeth.
After a few months when dental implants have grown together with a bone, a permanent bridge is developed for a patient.
Your New Smile:
The Whole Treatment Plan
Day 1
Your journey to a new smile begins with coming to Zagreb. When you arrive we will drive you to one of our apartments where you have accommodation completely free of charge during your stay in our clinic. Before you visit the clinic, you have some time for yourself and to rest in an apartment.
When you arrive at our clinic for the first time we will do all the required diagnostics which includes CT, intraoral photography, professional photography and a video protocol which is needed for successful diagnostics.
Day 2
The following day starts with your arrival to the photo studio where we will shoot a "before" video.
After that we will accompany you to the clinic where we will make a 3d model of your new smile - a mockup which allows our dental implantologists to transfter the obtained design on your actual teeth.
Day 3
The third day of your stay is organized based on your plan of going back home. At this point, you have become a member of our Digital Smile Academy community where you will spend many memorable moments.
All-on-4 Before and After
How Much Money Do These Implants Cost
Every patient is approached individually; every therapy is planned especially for each individual depending on their dental state and that is why the total cost is different from patient to patient.
In our clinic, we try to offer the best prices to our patients, and the final price differs from case to case.
Price of a therapy includes the first free examination and consultations with dentists.
Price of therapy includes a free of charge 3D CBTC which is the most advanced RTG diagnostics.
During the treatment, we offer a free accommodation to our patients.
Useful Information (FAQ)
After having All-on-4 installed, a patient can eat. Patients are given anaesthesia during the treatment, so it is completely painless. It is recommended that they wait for anaesthesia to run down before eating for the first time. It is also advised not to consume alcohol and cigarettes right after the treatment.
After having All-on-4 installed a patient can eat, but it is recommended to eat after the anaesthesia has run down. During the process of dental implants coalescing into the bone, it is essential that the patient's diet consists of soft food. Because patients still don't have a permanent bridge at that point, it is important to avoid food that is difficult to chew. It is also vital to avoid crunchy food, seeds, food that is too spicy and too sour. Patients are recommended not to consume alcohol and cigarettes right after the All-on-4 installation. Dairy products should also be avoided first three days after the treatment. During the process of dental implants coalescing into the bone it is recommended to eat the following:
- Fruits and vegetables (cooked or ripe fruit, fruit in cans with no skin or seeds, well-cooked soft vegetables)
- Meat and other sources of protein (cooked fish, tofu, soup with little thin pieces of meat and vegetables)
- Bread/pasta/rice (soft bread, waffles, muffins, pasta, oatmeal, mashed potatoes)
- Other foods that are recommended to eat are pudding, ice-cream and scrambled eggs
While dental implants are coalescing into the bone, it is necessary to base your diet on soft, recommended foods. After that, you can eat all the food you want.
There is a possibility of a specific money refund. You should contact NHS before the trip to check which part and to what extent can be returned. The patient can be informed on their official web pages, but we recommend contacting them directly before the trip.
In our clinic we use highest quality materials, we possess enormous experience and knowledge, and so the All-on-4 method is a long-term solution for our patients. The only condition is that the patient has to stick to regular oral hygiene, recommendations given by the dentist and come to regular dental check-ups. All-on-4 can be long-lasting.
In our clinic, we use the highest quality implantological systems: Astratech, Straumann, and MIS implantological system. In comparison to other implantological systems, the ones we use are the highest quality, they are long-lasting, and they have the highest percentage of installation success. We use Nobel Biocare implants in our clinic.
A patient can get All-on-4 both on the upper and lower jaw.
We use highest quality materials, our team of dentists consists of people with over 25 years of experience, and we have had more than 60 000 patients, these are the reasons why success rate of All-on-4 installation in our clinic is very high - 98%. At the end success depends on the patient and if he follows regular oral hygiene, visits his dentist regularly and if he follows the instructions given during the consolations before and after the treatment. If the patient sticks to all of this, an All-on-4 method is a long-lasting solution.
Both methods (All-on4 and All-on-6) have the same goal, which is solving patient's toothlessness. Both methods require the same process of installation and both methods are painless because they are conducted under anaesthesia.
All-on-4 and All-on-6 differ in the number of dental implants. All-on-4 is a concept where the utterly toothless jaw is equipped with four dental implants that hold a fixed bridge, whereas All-on-6 is a concept where the utterly toothless jaw is equipped with six dental implants that hold a fixed bridge.
Also, an All-on-6 method is recommended for patients who have reduced bone density as an installation of dental implants stimulates bone growth and gives the patient a more defined jaw appearance.
Whether All-on-4 or All-on-6 will be installed depends on the patient's dental condition, his needs and the best solution for him.
One of the advantages of All-on-4 is a short recovery time after the treatment. The installation itself is done in one day, and the patient can eat on that same day when anaesthesia runs down. While dental implants are coalescing into the bone a patient has to be careful with his diet, that is, he has to base his diet on soft food. After having a dental bridge installed, the patient can do everything.
The all-on-4 method is painless, it is done under anaesthesia, and the recovery after the treatment is painless and straightforward. The patient has to follow the instructions given by his dentist.
If a patient doesn't have sufficient volume of the jawbone, then All-on-4 treatment requires jawbone extension or sinus lift procedure.